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Investigación K

Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024): Enero - Junio

Mining Companies and Occupying Armies: Analogous Forms of Territorial Control and Population Management

November 25, 2024


The relationship between companies and local populations is a relevant issue for contemporary extractivism. Large mining companies face social conflicts and manage the relationship with the populations that occupy the surroundings of their projects, through policies of “social responsibility," “sustainability” or “ESG” (Environmental, Social, Governance). This article explores observable analogies between these business strategies and military strategies adopted in the doctrine formulated by the United States for occupation and stabilization operations. The objective is to understand the meaning of the forms of treatment assigned to the populations inhabiting the territories under control. The paper discusses literature on the subject and explores the contents of two manuals: one on stabilization operations of the Armed Forces and the other on Mine Engineering. It concludes, by highlighting the common elements between both practices, their authoritarian character and reflecting on the implications for the exercise of social critique of extractive capitalism.


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